# Starting With Classes Learning Outcome Guide

At the end of this topic, you should be able to ...

# OOP Basics

  • Define the term "class" as used in OOP
  • Explain the purpose of classes in computer programs
  • Describe the primary keywords used in declaring a class
  • Define the term "method" and give an example
  • Create simple classes with methods only
  • Explain what is meant by "overloading"
  • Describe the syntax of a method declaration (aka, method implementation)
  • Explain how classes with identical names can be distinguished from each other

# General Programming Concepts and Terms

  • Define the term "keyword" as it applies to programming languages
  • Define the term "identifier" as it applies to programming languages
  • Define the term "program statement" and identify how the computer recognizes a program statement
  • Define the term “syntax” as it applies to programming languages
  • Identify the entry point for every computer program
  • Perform simple output to the console using System.Console
  • Identify the basic structure of a simple C# program
  • Explain what is meant by a "driver"
  • Explain what is meant by a “case-sensitive” programming language
  • Explain what is meant by a "strongly-typed" programming language
  • Explain what "string concatenation" is and how it works
  • Define and distinguish the terms “argument” and “parameter”
  • Use single-line, multi-line and XML comments as a means of documenting code
  • List the four pieces of information to include in comments at the top of every source file

# Intro to IDEs

  • Define the term "IDE" as it relates to software development tools
  • Define the terms "project" and "solution"
  • Identify the various parts of the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) used in this course
  • Create a new project in the IDE for this course
  • Create new source files in the IDE for this course
  • Add existing files to a project
Last updated on: 9/21/2019, 11:09:56 PM