# Account

The following account information is now verified when the class is created:

a. Bank name and account type cannot be empty
b. The opening balance must be greater than zero
c. The overdraft limit cannot be negative
d. The institution number must be 3 digits
e. The branch number must be 6 digits
f. Attempts to withdraw amounts beyond the overdraft limit should throw an "Insufficient Funds" exception

Problem Statement

Write the code that will add validation to the Account class. The solution must meet the following requirements (new requirements are in bold):

  • Should get the bank name, branch number, institution number, account number, balance, overdraft limit, and account type and allow the overdraft limit to be set
  • Should support deposits
  • Should only support withdrawals if the amount does not exceed the sum of the balance and the overdraft limit, otherwise an exception stating "Insufficient Funds" should occur
  • Should identify if the account is overdrawn
  • Should require bank name and account type (that is, they cannot be empty or null)
  • Should trim the bank name and account type
  • Should verify that the branch number is six digits and the institution number is three digits
  • Should require an opening balance
  • Should not allow a negative overdraft limit

Use the following class diagram when creating your solution.

    public double Balance
        get { return _Balance; }
        set {
            if (value < -OverdraftLimit)
                throw new Exception("Negative balances cannot exceed the Overdraft Limit");
            _Balance = value;

    public double OverdraftLimit
        get { return _OverdraftLimit; }
            if (value < 0)
                throw new Exception("Negative overdraft limits not allowed");
            _OverdraftLimit = value;

    public int BranchNumber
        get { return _BranchNumber; }
        set {
            if (value < 10000 || value > 99999)
                throw new Exception("Branch number must be 5 digits");
            _BranchNumber = value;

    public int InstitutionNumber
        get { return _InstitutionNumber; }
            if (value < 100 || value > 999)
                throw new Exception("InstitutionNumber must be a three-digit value");
            _InstitutionNumber = value;

    public string AccountType
        get { return _AccountType; }
        set {
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.Trim()))
                throw new Exception("Account type cannot be empty");
            _AccountType = value.Trim();

    public string BankName
        get { return _BankName; }
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.Trim()))
                throw new Exception("BankName is required");
            _BankName = value.Trim();

    public Account(string bankName, int branchNumber, int institutionNumber, int accountNumber, double balance, double overdraftLimit, string accountType)
        if (balance <= 0)
            throw new Exception("Opening balance must be greater than zero");
        if (balance != Math.Round(balance, 2))
            throw new Exception("Opening balances cannot include a fraction of a penny");
        if (overdraftLimit != Math.Round(overdraftLimit, 2))
            throw new Exception("Overdraft limit amounts cannot include a fraction of a penny");
        AccountNumber = accountNumber;
        Balance = balance;
        OverdraftLimit = overdraftLimit;
        BankName = bankName;
        BranchNumber = branchNumber;
        InstitutionNumber = institutionNumber;
        AccountType = accountType;

    public double Withdraw(double amount)
        if (amount != Math.Round(amount, 2))
            throw new Exception("Withdrawal amounts cannot include fractions of a penny");
        if (amount > Balance + OverdraftLimit)
            throw new Exception("Insufficient Funds");
        if (amount <= Balance + OverdraftLimit)
            Balance = Math.Round(Balance - amount, 2);
            amount = 0;
        return amount;

    public void Deposit(double amount)
        if (amount != Math.Round(amount, 2))
            throw new Exception("Deposit amounts cannot include fractions of a penny");
        Balance = Math.Round(Balance + amount, 2);
Last updated on: 9/21/2019, 11:09:56 PM