# DeckOfCards

The DeckOfCards class represents a complete deck of cards. When the deck is first created, a card is created for each suit. The DeckOfCards supports a method to draw a card. The following methods must be coded to complete the solution.

  • Constructor – Create all the cards for all the CardSuit values and all the CardValue values.
  • DrawCard() – Return the card at the “top” of the deck (that is, at position zero). If the deck is empty, return a null.
  • Shuffle() – Mix up the order of the PlayingCards in the Cards list. Shuffle should work regardless of the number of cards still in the deck.

PlayingCard and DeckOfCards

public class DeckOfCards
    private List<PlayingCard> Cards { get; set; }

    public int Count
    { get { return Cards.Count; } }

    public bool IsEmpty
    { get { return Count == 0; } }

    public DeckOfCards()
        Cards = new List<PlayingCard>();
        foreach (PlayingCard.CardSuit suit in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(PlayingCard.CardSuit)))
            foreach (PlayingCard.CardValue value in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(PlayingCard.CardValue)))
                Cards.Add(new PlayingCard(value, suit));

    public PlayingCard DrawCard()
        PlayingCard card = null;
        if (Cards.Count != 0)
            card = Cards[0];
        return card;

    public void Shuffle()
        for (int counter = 0; counter < 100; counter++)
            int index = Rnd.Next(Cards.Count);
            PlayingCard card = Cards[0];
            Cards.Insert(index, card);
Last updated on: 9/21/2019, 11:09:56 PM