A Simplified C# Grammar


As a programming language, is

  • Case-Sensitive
  • Type-Safe
  • Object-Oriented
  • Extensible

An official Language Reference is available from Microsoft, including the formal grammar for C#.

C# Grammar

  • Grammar: A set of rules about how to write the language.

As a programming language, C# has

  • Keywords - Words built into the language that carry a specific meaning.
  • Identifiers - Words added to the language and given meaning by the programmer.
  • Symbols - Non-alpha-numeric characters that "perform" some specific operation in support of the keywords and identifiers.

A Simplified C# Grammar

  • Short representation of the grammar
  • Square brackets ([]) indicate an optional part of the syntax for the grammar rule
  • Brief explanation of terms

Our focus is on

  • Common Grammar Elements
  • Classes and Class Members
  • Flow Control
  • Objects, Classes and More

Use this as a starting point for learning the C# Grammar, then reference the official grammar.

Common Grammar Elements

  • Program Statements and Statement Blocks
  • Variable Declarations
  • Assignment Operations
  • Expressions
  • Namespace Declarations
  • Using

Program Statements and Statement blocks

  • Individual instructions are known as Program Statements.
    • Ends in a semicolon (;)
  • Statement Block - zero or more program statements that are enclosed in a set of curly braces ({ })
    • Frequently used with Flow Control Statements

Variable Declarations

dataType variableName [= expression] [, ...]

A Variable Declaration defines a new variable where

  • dataType is any built-in or programmer-defined data type.
  • variableName is an identifier (name) to represent a value
  • an optional initial value may be assigned, as denoted by [= expression],
    • expression is any valid C# expression that matches the variable's data type.
    • Declaring and initializing at the same time is called Variable Initialization.
  • Additional variable names (with or without initial values) can be declared using a comma-separated list.
    • All variables are of the same data type as the first variable in the list.

Assignment Operation

Assignment Operations: Operations where a value is assigned or stored in a variable.

variableName assignmentOperator expression
  • variableName is the name of the variable that will receive/store the value.
  • assignmentOperator is one of the following:
    • = Equals (Assign)
    • += Plus-Equals and -= Minus-Equals
    • *= Multiply-Equals and /= Divide-Equals and %= Modulus-Equals
  • expression is any valid C# expression matching the variable's data type
  • Add a semicolon to make it an assignment statement
    • total = price * quantity;


An Expression is any combination of

  • literal values,
  • variable names,
  • operators, and/or
  • method calls (where the method returns a value).
  • Expressions are evaluated at run-time.
  • When an expression is processed by the computer, a single value is produced.

Namespace Declaration

namespace Name
    // Classes, enumerations, or other programmer-defined data types

A Namespace Declaration groups programmer-defined data types where

  • The Name of the namespace can be one or more dot-separated names. For example, the following are all valid names for namespaces.

Using Statement

using NamespaceName;
  • Allows access to all the data types in referenced namespace
  • Typically placed at the beginning of a file
using Alias = NamespaceName.DataTypeName;
  • Create an alternate name for a data type (a class, enum, interface, etc.)
using static NamespaceName.DataTypeName;
  • Allows us to use the name of static members without the class name

Classes and Class Members

  • Class Definition
  • Field Declarations
  • Property Declarations
  • Methods
  • Constructors

Classes and Class Members

A class is a "blue print" for creating objects. A class describes

  • What a thing looks like (Fields and Properties)
  • How a thing behaves (Constructors and Methods)

Classes are reference types.

Class Definition

[accessModifier] class ClassName
  // FieldDeclarations
  // PropertyDeclarations
  // Constructors
  // MethodDeclarations

A Class Definition describes a new data type where

  • [accessModifier] is either public or internal. If no access modifier is provided, then the default modifier is internal.
  • ClassName is the programmer-supplied name for the class (in TitleCase format)
  • FieldDeclarations, PropertyDeclarations, Constructors and MethodDeclarations are all optional and can appear in any order.

Field Declarations

[accessModifier] [static] dataType _FieldName [= constantExpression];

A Field Declaration identifies a static or instance member variable of the class where

  • [accessModifier] is either public, private, protected, or internal.
    • Optional - the default modifier is private.
  • [static] is an optional keyword
  • dataType is any built-in or programmer-defined data type
  • _FieldName is a the name you give to the member variable
  • constantExpression is an optional expression producing a value

Property Declarations

Properties are a kind of cross between methods and fields.

  • Used (accessed) like a field
    • e.g.: int age = student.Age;
  • Runs like a method
    • Specific logic in order to do the getting/setting
    • set is access when the property is on the left side of an assignment
    • All other cases use the get
  • get is required
  • set is optional

Explicitly Implemented Property

[accessModifier] [static] dataType PropertyName
    get { /* Body of getter */ }
    [set { /* Body of setter */ }]
  • [accessModifier] is public, private (the default), protected, or internal
  • [static] is optional
  • dataType is any built-in or programmer-defined data type
  • PropertyName is a the name you give to the property
  • Body of getter instructions that return a value
  • Body of the setter instructions to store information
    • incoming data is held in the value keyword

Auto-Implemented Property

[accessModifier] [static] dataType PropertyName { get; set; }
  • [accessModifier] is public, private, protected, or internal
    • default is private.
  • [static] is optional
  • dataType is any built-in or programmer-defined data type
  • PropertyName is a the name you give to the property

Method Declarations

[accessModifier] [static] returnType MethodName(ParameterList)
    // body of method
  • [accessModifier] is public, private, protected, or internal
    • default is private.
  • [static] is optional
  • returnType is any built-in or programmer-defined data type
    • Signifies the kind of information that the method will return
    • If the method does not return any information, then use void
  • MethodName is a the name you give to the method.
  • ParameterList is a comma-separated list of individual variable declarations.


[accessModifier] ClassName(ParameterList)
    // body of constructor

A Constructor is a set of instructions used when instantiating (creating) an object.

  • [accessModifier] is public, private, protected, or internal
    • default is private.
  • ClassName - Must be the same name as the class
  • ParameterList is a comma-separated list of individual variable declarations.
  • There is no return type
    • Classes never return any information - they are simply blocks of instructions used to set up the initial state of the object.

Flow Control

  • Method Calls
  • Selection
    • If-Else
    • Switch
  • Loops
    • For + ForEach
    • While + Do-While

Method Calls

[[ClassName | ObjectName].]MethodName(argumentList)

A Method Call is an expression where

  • MethodName is the programmer-defined name of the method,
  • argumentList is a comma-separated list of values that correspond to the parameters of the method declaration,
  • When called from outside the class, use
    • ClassName for static methods, ObjectName for instance methods
    • The Member Access Operator - . - after ClassName/ObjectName
  • When called from inside the class,
    • ClassName/ObjectName can be omitted.

this Keyword

  • Only used with instance (non-static) members of the class within which it is used

  • The this keyword is implied, but is optional

    Display("Some Text")

    is interpreted as

    this.Display("Some Text")


   statementOrStatementBlock // true side
   statementOrStatementBlock // false side

The if-else provides alternate paths of logic, where

  • conditionalExpression is an expression whose ultimate data type is a bool.
  • statementOrStatementBlock is either a single statement or a single statement block (zero or more statements inside curly braces - { }).
    • Immediately after the if: will run if conditionalStatement results in a true
    • Immediately after the else: will run if conditionalStatement results in a false
    • The else statementOrStatementBlock portion is optional.


    case matchingExpression1:
    case matchingExpression2:
    // ...additional case statements...

Switch-Case (cont.)

The switch provides alternate paths of logic, where

  • cardinalExpression is an expression that produces a single value of any primitive data type (int, double, char, string or an enum).
  • Each matchingExpression is a constant value whose data type matches the data type of the cardinalExpression. A match is determined by the value of the cardinalExpression being equal to the matchingExpression. The break indicates the end of the path of logic for the matching expression.
  • statementOrStatementBlock is either a single statement or a single statement block (zero or more statements inside curly braces - { }).
  • The default block will execute if cardinalExpression did not match any of the listed matching expressions.

for Loop

for([initializations]; conditionalExpression; [incrementations])

The for provides repetitive execution of code, where

  • initializations is an optional comma-separated set of variable initializations
  • conditionalExpression is an expression whose ultimate data type is a bool
    • Evaluated at the beginning of the loop.
    • Loop exits when the conditionalStatement is false
  • incrementations is an optional comma-separated set of variable modifications
  • statementOrStatementBlock is either a single statement or a single statement block

foreach Loop

foreach([dataType] variable in enumerableCollection)

The for provides repetitive execution of code, where the repetition occurs for each item in the enumerableCollection.

  • enumerableCollection is any object that represents a collection of values
    • (i.e.: supports IEnumerable).
  • variable is an identifier to represent each item in the collection as it loops
  • dataType declares the data type of the variable
    • This is optional
    • When omitted the data type of variable is inferred from the enumerableCollection.

while Loop


The while provides repetitive execution of code, where

  • conditionalExpression is an expression whose ultimate data type is a bool
    • Evaluated at the beginning of the loop.
    • Loop exits when the conditionalStatement is false
  • statementOrStatementBlock is either a single statement or a single statement block
    • It executes at a minimum of zero times

do while Loop

while (conditionalExpression);

The do-while provides repetitive execution of code, where

  • conditionalExpression is an expression whose ultimate data type is a bool
    • Evaluated at the end of the loop.
    • Loop exits when the conditionalStatement is false
  • statementOrStatementBlock is either a single statement or a single statement block
    • It executes at a minimum of one time

Objects, Inheritance and More

  • Enumerations
  • Structures
  • Interfaces
  • Data Types and Inheritance
  • Generics
  • Object Instantiation
  • Extension Methods
  • Delegates
  • Events


Enumerations are value types.

[accessModifier] enum TypeName
  • [accessModifier] is either public or internal. If no access modifier is provided, then the default modifier is internal
  • TypeName is the programmer-defined name for the enumerated type
  • NamedConstantList is a comma-separated list of names for constants in this format
ConstantName [= value]


Structures are similar to classes, but are value types.

[accessModifier] struct TypeName
    // Structure members
  • [accessModifier] is either public or internal. If no access modifier is provided, then the default modifier is internal
  • TypeName is the programmer-defined name for the structure type
  • The members of a struct include fields, properties, methods, and constructors


"An interface defines a contract. Any class or struct that implements that contract must provide an implementation of the members defined in the interface." (source)

[accessModifier] interface TypeName
    // Interface members
  • [accessModifier] is either public or internal. If no access modifier is provided, then the default modifier is internal
  • TypeName is the programmer-defined name for the interface type


Interface members can include the signatures for

  • Properties - Identify the presence of a getter and/or optional setter method
  • Methods - No body is specified for the method (pre C# 8)
propertyType PropertyName { get; [set;] }
returnType MethodName(parameterList);

There are no access modifiers on interface members.

Interface Implementations

  • You cannot directly instantiate an interface.
  • You can reference an object by its interface type.
  • Classes and structs can implement many interfaces.

Data Types and Inheritance

Inheritance can be applied to classes, interfaces, and enumerations

  • A class can only inherit from one other class, but may implement multiple interfaces
  • An interface can only inherit from other interfaces
  • An enum can only inherit from the integer-based types int, short, long

Data Types and Inheritance

[accessModifier] typeKeyword DerivedTypeName [: BaseType]
    // Members

Inheritance "builds on" a base type data type where

  • [accessModifier] is either public or internal. If no access modifier is provided, then the default modifier is internal
  • typeKeyword is either class, enum or interface
  • DerivedTypeName is the programmer-supplied name for the data type that inherits from the BaseType

Type Inheritance and Interface Implementation

[accessModifier] class DerivedTypeName [: BaseType[, InterfaceTypes...]]
    // Members

Classes can combine inheritance with interfaces

  • First identify the base type you inherit from
  • Add additional interfaces as needed
  • Separate the types with commas

Generic Types

[accessModifier] typeKeyword TypeName<T>
    // type members

Generics can be applied to structs, classes and interfaces, where

  • [accessModifier] is either public or internal. If no access modifier is provided, then the default modifier is internal
  • typeKeyword is either class, struct or interface
  • TypeName is the programmer-supplied name for the data type
  • T is a generic placeholder for a type declared in a subtype or an instance of the generic

Generic Types - Usage

[accessModifier] classOrInterface DerivedTypeName [: GenericBase<DataType>]

You can create a subtype from a generic type (inheritance), where

  • Datatype is a specific type
new GenericType<DataType>(argumentList)

You can instantiate from a generic type and provide the specific DataType at the moment of instantiation.

Generic Methods

[accessModifier] [static] returnType MethodName<T>(ParameterList)
    // body of method

Generics can be applied to method declarations, where

  • The generic type <T> can be explicitly or implicitly stated
    • Explicit if the type T is not included in the parameter list
    • Implicit if the type T is included in the parameter list
  • The returnType can be identified as the generic type T

Object Instantiation

new TypeName(argumentList)
    // Initializer List

Objects can be instantiated from classes and structs using the new keyword, where

  • TypeName is the name of the class or struct
  • argumentList is a comma-separated list of values/expressions whose
    • data type and order matches a constructor in the class/struct
  • The initializer list is
    • a comma-separated list of assignments to public properties of the class/struct
    • wrapped in parenthesis
    • optional


You declare a delegate similar to how you declare a method signature for an interface.

delegate returnType DelegateName(parameterList);

You instantiate a delegate by passing in the name of a method with a matching signature.

DelegateName methodInstance = new DelegateName(methodName)

You invoke (call) a delegate like you would call any method.



Events are based on delegates but use the observer design pattern. They allow us to

  • Create "hooks" inside of our methods to invoke other methods as "observers"
  • "Publish" a single event to multiple "subscribers"

".NET provides the EventHandler and EventHandler<TEventArgs> delegates to support most event scenarios. Use the EventHandler delegate for all events that do not include event data. Use the EventHandler<TEventArgs> delegate for events that include data about the event. These delegates have no return type value and take two parameters (an object for the source of the event, and an object for event data)." (MS Docs)

The End

This is party a refresher for those who have taken introductory C# courses

Your introductory course may or may not have placed emphasis on the grammar

Objects might not have been emphasized, but they are central to the C# language and should be understood as both essential and commonplace

Case-Sensitive => UPPER- and lower-case case characters are different

Type-Safe => The data type of a thing is known at compile-time

Object-Oriented => Object paradigm to provide Polymorphism and Encapsulation

Extensible => You can add to (*extend*) the words built into the language


=> Define Data Types (int, string, bool)

=> Provide Points of Extensibility (class, enum, interface)

=> Segment and Link code (namespace, using)

=> Enhance code security and accessibility (public, private, protected, internal)

Identifiers => Names the PROGRAMMER give to things (classes, variables, methods, etc.)


=> Provide structure and context (curly braces, semicolon, parenthesis)

=> Operations (Arithmetic, Logical, Relational)

Most of the grammar rules in C# are quite short, defining the order of **keywords**, **identifiers** and **symbols**. In the following grammars, the use of Square brackets (**`[]`**) indicate an optional part of the syntax for the grammar rule; those square brackets are *not* actual symbols in the final syntax of the grammar

Before a variable can be used, it must be *declared*. Declaring a variable tells the compiler to * set aside room in memory to store information, * treat that data as a specific data type, and * refer to that information by the variable name

When an expression is processed by the computer, a single value is produced. This value can then be used in whatever operation the expressions occurs. For example, the value might be passed into a method as part of a method call, or it might be placed in a variable as part of an assignment statement.

**Namespaces** are used to group classes and other programmer-defined data types into a single named group. The reason for grouping programmer-defined data types into namespaces is to prevent what are called "naming collisions". A naming collision is where two or more classes or other programmer-defined data types are given the same name. In other words, you cannot have two classes named `Circle` in the same namespace. However, if you place those two classes in different namespaces, then that is acceptable because the compiler will then be able to distinguish between the two classes based on the namespace they belong to. Whenever a class or other data type is placed in a namespace, that namespace becomes part of the ***fully-qualified*** name of the data type. For example, if a class named `Circle` is placed in a namespace called `Geometry.Shapes`, then the fully qualified name of the class is `Geometry.Shapes.Circle`. Namespaces allow us to isolate our classes and other data types into groups. All of the classes/data types in a given namespace can automatically reference each other. To reference or use data types in other namespaces, we must either use their fully-qualified names or *include* them through the **Using Statement**.

As an object-oriented language, classes play a very prominent part of the code we write in C#. It is within classes, for example, that we place variables (also called *fields*) and methods (which are "*named* sets of instructions"). One of the first things that classes give us developers is a *context* or ***scope*** for the code that we write. Classes are also building blocks, acting as blueprints for new and complex data types that we as programmers can create as we develop richer and more complex computer programs. Classes permeate all the code that we write in C# and are so fundamental that you can't even write a "Hello World" program without them.

`satic` - If present, the field is *shared* among all instances of the class. If absent (which is the common case) then the field is an *instance* member and one is created every time an object based on the class is created.

`_FieldName` By convention, private fields are given an underscore as a prefix to the name.

`constantExpression` Being a constant expression does *not* mean that the field is a constant, only that the initial value stored in the field is a constant and can be known at compile time *before* the program runs.

Explicitly implemented properties are properties where the programmer supplies the getter and setter implementations. The bodies of the getter and setter may reference a field (known as a **backing store**) that holds the actual information. In these cases, the property is working to provide a **controlled access** to the underlying field's data.

In other situations, a property may merely have a getter where the body of the getter *derives* or *calculates* a value to return from some other source, such as a calculation.

Autoimplemented properties are properties where the compiler takes care of the getter and setter implementations and also supplies a hidden field as the **backing store** for the property. The default get implementation is to retrieve the value from the backing store while the default set implementation is to place a value into the backing store.

While the [Method Declaration](#method-declarations) *defines a set of instructions*, those instructions only run when the method is *called* from somewhere. The operating system is responsible to call the `Main()` method, but after that, all method calls are the responsibility of our program. The grammar of a method call is as follows.

- `initializations` is a comma-separated set of variable initializations or assignments; the variables identified here should be ones used in the `conditionalExpression`. This portion is optional - `conditionalExpression` is an expression whose ultimate data type is a `bool`. The `conditionalExpression` is evaluated at the beginning of the loop. - `incrementations` is a comma-separated set of modifications to the variable(s) controlling the loop; the variables identified here should be ones used in the `conditionalExpression`. This portion is optional. - `statementOrStatementBlock` is either a **single** statement or a **single** statement *block* (zero or more statements inside curly braces - `{ }`). - The `statementOrStatementBlock` will only execute as long as the `contitionalExpression` results in a **`true`** value. - The loop exits when the `conditionalStatement` results in a **`false`** value.