Creating a Stack - Test-First

First Test

public void Create_Stack() //Nothing()
    Stack myStack = new Stack();
public class Stack


Stack is empty

public void Stack_Is_Empty() //Create_Stack() //Nothing()
    Stack myStack = new Stack();
    public bool IsEmpty => true;

Push onto Stack

public void Stack_Is_Not_Empty()
    Stack stack = new Stack();
public void Push(int number)
    _isEmpty = false;
private bool _IsEmpty = true;
public bool IsEmpty => _IsEmpty;


public class StackTest
    Stack stack = new Stack();
    public void Stack_Is_Empty()
    public void Stack_Is_Not_Empty()


public void Will_Throw_Underflow_When_Empty_Stack_Is_Popped()
    Assert.Throws<UnderflowException>(() => stack.Pop())
// 1)  Inner class
public class UnderflowException : Exception {}

// 2) 
public void Pop()
    throw new UnderflowException();

Push and Pop

public void After_One_Push_And_One_Pop_Stack_Will_Be_Empty()
public void Pop()
    if (IsEmpty)
        throw new UnderflowException();
    _IsEmpty = true

Push Twice, Pop Once Test

Finally, a test to make me write a better solution.
Rule: Everything you do to the tests makes them more specific. Everything you do to the production code makes it more general.

public void After_Two_Pushes_And_One_Pop_Stack_Will_Not_Be_Empty()

Push Twice, Pop Once Solution

public class Stack
    private int _Size = 0;
    public bool IsEmpty => _size == 0;
    public void Push(int number)
    public void Pop()
        if (IsEmpty)
            throw new UnderflowException();
    public class UnderflowException : Exception {}

After Pushing X will Pop X

Rule: Don't go for the gold! Avoid the central behaviour for as long as you can.
The "gold" in this case is LIFO.

public void After_Pushing_X_Will_Pop_X()
    int actual = stack.Pop();
    Assert.Equal(actual, 99);

Push X Pop X Solution

public int Pop()
    if (IsEmpty)
        throw new UnderflowException();
    return 99;

Augment the test

Move from a [Fact] to a [Theory] by using different expectations.

public void After_Pushing_X_Will_Pop_X(int expected)
    int actual = stack.Pop();
    Assert.IsEqual(actual, expected);

Make the test pass

private int _Element = -1;

public void Push(int number)
    _Element = number;
public int Pop()
    if (IsEmpty)
        throw new UnderflowException();
    return _Element;

Push Twice Pop Twice

Time to go for the gold

public void After_Pushing_X_Then_Y_Will_Pop_Y_Then_X()

    Assert.Equal(88, stack.Pop());
    Assert.Equal(pp, stack.Pop());

Make the test pass

private int[] _Element = new int[2];

public void Push(int number)
    _Element[_Size] = number;

public int Pop()
    if (IsEmpty)
        throw new UnderflowException();
    int element = _Element[_Size - 1];
    return element;

Final Refactorings

  • Rename the _Size to _LogicalSize, as it's more meaningful


The counter is the critical part of a LIFO behaviour.

  • Watch the Video of Uncle Bob
    • Listen especially to his comments after the code demo
    • Who taught Uncle Bob about Test Driven Development?
    • How long had Uncle Bob been programming before he learned TDD?
  • Then...

Try This Now

  • Build on this demo
    • Test if the stack is full
    • What happens if you push when the stack is full?
    • What if you want to set the stack's upperLimit when you create the stack?

The End